Seal of Excellence de l’Initiative d’excellence Université de Lille (SoE-IE) Appel à Projet

The University of Lille and its partners, in line with their policy of supporting research excellence and in order to increase the attractiveness of the Lille site, are launching a call for projects (AAP), ‘Seal of Excellence of the University of Lille Excellence Initiative’ (SoE-IE).

This call aims to support research projects that have been awarded the Seal of Excellence under the MSCA PF (Marie Skłodowska-Curie Postdoctoral Fellowships) program but did not receive funding.

The Seal of Excellence, awarded by the European Commission, recognizes high-quality research projects with proven potential. By offering targeted support, the University of Lille encourages the resubmission of these promising projects and reaffirms its commitment to:

Promoting research excellence
Enhancing participation in European programs

Eligibility Criteria

Eligible applicants include researchers and teacher-researchers from the partner institutions of the Excellence Initiative who wish to host a postdoc awarded the Seal of Excellence under the Marie Skłodowska-Curie (MSCA) Postdoctoral Fellowships (PFs) program.

Researchers and teacher-researchers with an ongoing project funded under the Excellence Initiative program (e.g., WILL International Chair, ERC Generator) are not eligible.

Funding will be granted on the condition that the postdoc applies again to the MSCA program within two years of receiving Excellence Initiative funds.

For applicants who are involved in a CDP, a contribution from the CDP may be requested as part of the leverage effect targeted by these projects.

Depending on the type of projects, this call may align with FEDER support offered by the Region under Specific Objective 1.

Selection Criteria

Since project evaluation has already been conducted by the EU, projects awarded a Seal of Excellence are directly eligible without requiring further assessment.

A selection committee (comprising the VP for Excellence Initiative, VP for Research, STEMP Directorate, and a representative of the relevant institution) will convene. The Excellence Initiative Steering Committee (COPIL) will then validate or decline support allocation.

Timeline and Submission Process

Applicants are invited to submit:

  • The CV of the postdoc.
  • A letter of intent (maximum 2 pages), formalizing the postdoc's commitment to reapply to the MSCA program.

Applications will be accepted on a rolling basis via the following link:


Funding for one year with a maximum budget of €90,000 per supported project (€60,000 for the postdoc and/or €30,000 for operating expenses).



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